SHOWBIZ: Emilia Celones Lands Lead Role in ABC-DBN's Upcoming Teleserye
1 day ago

Emilia Celones, who has spent the majority of her career in supporting roles, has been thrust into the spotlight as the star of a new television series. This was an unexpected....

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Anonymous User
asked 1 hour ago

[CROWD SOURCING] Looking to hire a private investigator in QC.

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TELEVISION: Talk Show Host Aima Sangalang Plans to Interview Several Mayoral Candidates
6 days ago

In this exclusive interview, Ms. Aima Sangalang says she will not shy away from asking the hard questions. "For this year's election season, we need to make sure...

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replied • XX hours ago

throwaway-69 • posted 14 days ago
I can hear people's thoughts, AMA

MrCynic • replied
sure, source: trust me bro.
throwaway-69 • replied
@MrCynic sleep with one eye open tonight
alevgarcia • replied
I'll bite, how does the process of hearing people's thoughts work? You just hear a bunch of extra voices?
throwaway-69 • replied
@alevgarcia so imagine i ask you a question, whats your password, for example. you might say "why would i tell you?', but id hear this other "you" saying your actual password to me. then i steal your account B)
alevgarcia • replied
Sounds like ironic process theory.
throwaway-69 • replied
yeah that yeah whatever that is
alevgarcia • replied
What do you mean by hearing this 'other you'?
throwaway-69 • replied
i not only hear people's thoughts, i SEE them. i see your unconscious.
Joan_Spaghetti • replied
@throwaway-69 Hold on-- just to clarify, you can only hear them when you ask people questions? :0
throwaway-69 • replied
@Joan_Spaghetti yes...though i CAN hear every thought that comes to mind if i wanted to, but that would be bombarding me sensor overload. its easier to hear when your mind focuses on one thing AKA question
throwaway-69 • replied
*with sensory overload
owaowoowaowaoa • replied
(this comment has been removed by the moderator)
throwaway-69 • replied
@owaowoowaowaoa obvious troll
alevgarcia • replied
Thank you for answering my questions, OP. Your answers have made me further believe you're delusional. Have a good day.
Joan_Spaghetti • replied
MrCynic • replied
All in all, psychics don't exist. Mind reading is a fraud. Get a job.
throwaway-69 • replied
throwaway-69 • replied
@MrCynic ur mom is a fraud
AutoModerator • replied
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